About us

Starting in 2011, the 19centurycraft team started building what was then a small XIXth century city. Under the leadership of Olipro, owner of the server, the city has since expanded to include several districts each with their own style, inspired by the cities of Europe as they were at the end of “Belle Époque”. We strived to produce a faithful representation not only of landmarks but also of the social and economic conditions of the era, building what could be a functional city. With transportation, factories, offices and homes, our world has it all!

This project does not have an end in sight, instead ever growing with new ideas and districts that expand our map almost indefinitely.

The 19centurycraft team 


Starting in 2011, the 19centurycraft team has strived to produce representations of european cities during the golden days of the late XIXth century and early XXth century. Join us in a trip through time, in Minecraft!

1 comment :

  1. Very nice article, just what I wanted to find.
